Saturday, September 28, 2013

YouTube Marketing

YouTube Marketing And Why You Should Do It

By Randall A Magwood

YouTube is a great place to promote your online business on. YouTube is the number 3 ranked website on the internet in terms of website traffic, and you can get in on this craze while it's still here. Everyday millions of people visit this site to view their favorite videos, learn new things, or simply to blow some steam. Well you can capitalize big time off of this activity.

The first way to make YouTube effectively is to use it. Sounds silly and simple right? Well you'd be amazed by how many people don't do anything in their business to get more traffic and sales. And this includes not marketing on YouTube. A lot of people think that they can take their slow time and make 1 mediocre video every 30 days. But if you want to make money online, you will have to do more than this.

You have to go hard and be active on YouTube. Just because you upload a video up to YouTube, it doesn't mean that it will get thousands or millions of views overnight. What you will be promoting "probably" won't be similar to what a famous musician is promoting. You will probably be promoting information - instead of entertainment.

Because of this, you will have to market your information. You can do a few things to market your video. You can promote it in the signature area of your email newsletter. You can promote on the content area of your site or blog. You can promote it in your free products (such as a free ebook, free report, free video, free MP3, etc). And you can even promote it in forums. It's just a simple marketing job.

The more you market your videos, the more views you will get to it. And the more videos you create and upload to YouTube, the more exposure your website will get. I remember my cousin asked me one day if I upload 1 video to YouTube everyday. I told him that I upload 5 videos to YouTube everyday. He was amazed - but YouTube isn't.

YouTube actually has tools that you can use to upload lots of videos to their site. So they actually encourage you to upload lots of videos to their site. Because of this, you will want to create some high quality videos and submit a lot of them to YouTube. Make sure your videos are good.

DON'T upload "article videos". These are basically talking articles. What I mean is that these are videos that are someone's article, and it was basically spoken into a video. YouTube doesn't like this. And it's against their terms of service (TOS). So if you want to make the most out of YouTube, you will want to get your face on camera.

Go down to your local Walmart and buy yourself a good camcorder. It should only cost you $100. Buy it, and then record yourself on camera speaking out some good information, or whatever kind of content that you want to create. This is infinitely better than a talking article, and you'll actually get more views to your videos this way.

Take these YouTube marketing tips and use them in your online business immediately.

Good luck with marketing with YouTube today.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here:

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