Saturday, August 31, 2013

10 Makanan untuk Bantuan Mencegah Arteri tersumbat

10 Makanan untuk Bantuan Mencegah Arteri tersumbat

  • Bawang putih

Sejak zaman purba bawang putih telah digunakan untuk merawat penyakit jantung dan tekanan darah tinggi. Menurut kajian yang diterbitkan dalam perubatan pencegahan, bawang putih menghalang kalsifikasi arteri koronari yang berfungsi sebagai penyekat untuk pembentukan plak. Fungsi in juga terdapat dalam Garlix Complex Shaklee
  • Anggur

Anggur yang kaya dengan flavonoid, quercetin, dan resveratrol. Flavonoid telah didapati untuk menghalang pengoksidaan kolesterol yang tidak baik yang membawa kepada pembentukan plak pada dinding arteri. Mereka juga mengurangkan risiko untuk mendapat darah beku yang boleh membawa kepada serangan jantung. Fungsi ini ada dalam Vivix, Vitamin C, Caratomax Shaklee
  • Bayam

Bayam kaya dengan kalium dan folik asid, kedua-duanya bertindak sebagai pertahanan terhadap tekanan darah tinggi. Bayam juga kaya dengan lutein, sejenis tumbuhan karotenoid yang bukan sahaja melindungi daripada umur yang berkaitan dengan degenerasi makula tetapi juga mencegah serangan jantung dengan menjaga arteri bebas daripada pembentukan kolesterol. Fungsi ini ada dalam Vivix, B-Complex, Caratomax ( dalam bentuk fitonutrien) Shaklee
  • Ikan

Kajian yang dijalankan oleh penyelidik di Universiti Southampton mendapati bahawa Omega 3 minyak, hadir dalam ikan seperti tuna dan salmon, menghentikan membina lemak dalam arteri. Asid lemak mengelakkan pembekuan daripada terbentuk dan kolesterol daripada menjadi teroksida. Fungsi ini kebanyakkanya ada dalam Omega Guard Shaklee
  • Minyak Zaitun

Kolesterol teroksida hanya mampu melekat pada dinding arteri anda dan plak bentuk. Lemak mono tak tepu yang hadir di dalam minyak zaitun apabila dicampur dengan molekul kolesterol tidak baik menjadi kurang mungkin teroksida. Fungsi ini sama seperti fungsi Garlic Complex
  • Tomato

Menurut kajian yang dijalankan oleh penyelidik Korea, lycopene, yang hadir sebatian dalam tomato yang memberi tomato berwarna merah, membantu dalam mencegah pengerasan arteri. Penyelidik mendapati bahawa wanita dengan tahap lycopene tertinggi dalam darah mereka mempunyai kekukuhan kurangnya dalam arteri mereka. Fungsi ini ada dalam Vivix, B-Complex, Caratomax ( dalam bentuk fitonutrien) Shaklee
  • Delima

Jus delima bukan sahaja muncul untuk mencegah pengerasan arteri dengan mengurangkan kerosakan saluran darah,tetapi juga boleh mengubah perkembangan penyakit ini. Buah delima dan jus yang tinggi kandungan antioksidan, yang boleh membantu memerangi pengerasan arteri.
  • Kiwi dan tembikai

Ini antioksidan makanan yang kaya dengan kerja dengan mengurangkan kolesterol LDL toksik, yang dibentuk oleh satu proses peng'karat'an di dalam arteri anda. Mereka boleh membantu menghentikan karat di laluan arteri dan menghalang LDL daripada merebak.
  • Jus Kranberi

Jenis jus ini keluar lemak arteri. Sebaliknya mempunyai lemak terkumpul di dalam saluran darah anda, jus ini meningkatkan keupayaan sel anda untuk menyerap lemak dan menggunakannya untuk pengeluaran tenaga. Minum tiga gelas jus ini setiap minggu untuk 'unclog' arteri anda. Fungsi ini ada dalam Vitamin C, Vitamin E Shaklee.
  • Oat

Terima kasih kepada serat larut dalam oat, kolesterol tidak lagi diberi peluang. Serat ini melekat pada kolesterol dan membawa ia keluar dari sistem anda. Beberapa kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa makan hanya 1 1/2 hingga 2 1/2 cawan dimasak bijirin oat bran-setiap hari boleh menurunkan paras kolesterol sebanyak hampir 20%. Fungsi seperti Cinch, Fiber Plan Shaklee

P/s : pemakanan yang hampir lengkap dari Shaklee.. sebabnya, setiap satu dihasilkan dengan KAJIAN menyeluruh oleh SAINTIS dan UJIAN KLINIKAL Shaklee.

Credit to my upline : gedungsihat

Basics Of Forex Trading Needs To Understand

Basics Of Forex Trading Needs To Understand

By Jeanette J. Sellers

Forex Trading is concerned with the foreign exchange market that is not a market of purchase and sale of any commodity on a specific place. It is prevalent in the whole world and all the dealings of currency are made through phone or electronic devices. The financial institutions that are involved in the exchange of currencies include banks, insurance companies, corporations, etc.

The person who wants to know about the basics of Forex trading needs to understand the following terms in detail, i.e.

The market where the currencies are bought and sold at the current rate is called the spot market. The rollover depends upon the interest rate settled between the two business parties for a particular number of days. The value at which the currency is expressed with respect to the other currency is said to be the exchange rate.

The currencies that are used in order to exchange are USD (United States Dollar), European currency (Euro), Japanese currency (Yen), Canadian currency (CAD or "Loonie"), New Zealand currency (Kiwi), British Pound, etc. The reason of choosing the mentioned currencies in Forex is that these are stable and liquid currencies. All the currencies are dealt in pair such as the pair between USD and Euro will be shown as 2.500 that stand for $2.50 to buy one Euro.

Understanding of Forex trading terms is very important for the beginners as they will come across these names of trading activities as a routine. Now the question arises what we name the standard size of deal per unit? The answer is "Lot". One lot is expressed in terms of the base currency as 1 Lac units.

Bid price is also named as selling quote while the offered price is called buying quote and the variation between the two is called spread. There is another famous term known as pips. It is used as an increased point, means the smallest increase in a currency.

For the beginners, learning Forex trading basics is necessary, i.e. you have to purchase one currency and sell another in return. The interest rate is determined by the central bank of the country. So, you will pay the interest and same as you will receive an interest rate on the purchased one. It is counted in basis points. There is also an advantage of leverage return if you trade with a proper strategic plan and enough foresight.

The next step in understanding the basics of Forex trading is the concept of a broker. A broker is the third party that acts as a marketplace between the trading parties. Many websites are offering this service. The traders use this platform to place a bid. They assure you of the complete security and provide you a business environment anonymously. After the final bid, they display the best quote and in return, they charge you a minimal fee.

Let us make the fx trading basics more simple. The secret behind the exchange of currencies is in fact the value of currency that is of dynamic nature. If you have foresightedness which currency is going to gain value and which one is going to depreciate in the near future, then you can go ahead in the foreign exchange market.

As you know that element of risk is involved in every type of business. Same is the case with the Forex trading. The thing is to maximize the providence by virtue of planning prudently for the value of currencies in the coming future.

The success of Forex trading nowadays is at the boom. This is because of all trading activities held on the internet worldwide. You do not have to travel across the country and the current news is every time published, thus, providing the traders a chance to think beyond boundaries.

Article Source:

Friday, August 30, 2013

Forex Trading Predictions Vs Biases

Forex Trading Predictions Vs Biases

By Katherine R Mendoza

What is the main difference between a prediction and a bias? More importantly, how can this affect your forex trading performance?

A prediction refers to a forecast or an expectation for a particular outcome. When you make a prediction in forex, you are making a call on how an economic report will turn out or how a currency pair will react to it.

Meanwhile, a bias is simply an inclination towards an event that may be more likely to occur. Having a bias is thinking that the dollar could have a bearish or bullish outlook depending on how US economic data turns out.

In forex trading, it is important to have biases but traders are often cautioned against making strong predictions. When you make a prediction, it is like you are shutting off other possibilities except for what you are expecting to happen. When you take a trade idea based solely on a prediction, you could hurt your pride if the market shows a different scenario playing out.

A bias, on the other hand, is still open for confirmation. You can have a bias at the start of the week based on previous market themes and dominant price action, but you can leave this up for confirmation by the upcoming data. If your bias is proven wrong, you can just as easily switch sides and take the opposite bias without hurting your psyche.

Remember that the market does not care about your predictions. Even if you are proven wrong and hurting from a losing trade, the market will still continue to trade without looking back.

Instead, when you simply keep a bias, you are maintaining an open mind and letting the market dictate how you should trade and how you might be able to profit. Having a bias is being about reactionary than anticipating price action.

Of course it's normal to have certain predictions as to how price action will fare since most of the analysis, such as technicals and fundamentals, are geared towards picking which scenarios are more likely to occur. Don't forget though to spend an equal amount of time figuring out how you will manage your trade if actual reports or price action turns out different from what you expected.

At the end of the day, it's important to keep an open mind and accept that anything is possible in the forex market. Of equal importance is proper risk management in making sure that you don't lose your money when your bias turns out wrong.

For more information on how to come up with forex trading setups or develop the proper biases, visit

Article Source:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Forex Profit Signals

Forex Profit Signals

By Pradipta Kumar Bari

What is Forex Trading:

Forex Trading is trading currencies from different countries against each other. Forex is an inter-bank market that took shape in 1971 when global trade shifted from fixed exchange rates to floating ones. This is a set of transactions among Forex market agents involving exchange of specified sums of money in a currency unit of any given nation for currency of another nation at an agreed rate as of any specified date. During exchange, the exchange rate of one currency to another currency is determined simply: by supply and demand - exchange to which both parties agree.

Actually Forex is the financial game between BULLS and BEARS.

The Major currencies pairs are:


And these are the 6 best Forex Markets.

What are Forex Signals?

Forex signals are indicators that let you know when it's a good time to buy or sell a currency pair. They provide you with insight as to what's going on in the Forex market without the necessity to monitor Forex trends throughout the day. If you are self-employed or employed by another company, Forex trading is likely a part-time endeavor for you. You won't have time to sit at the computer and monitor the Forex market all day. Forex signals can be delivered to you throughout the day by professional Forex traders to give you a heads-up on what's going on in the market. You can receive the signals, and then place the signals for buy or sell.

Forex signals are basically "suggested" buy and sell points with price targets and stop-loss levels delivered by fx signal providers to traders. They may be delivered by email, instant messenger, cellphone, live currency trading systems or direct to your Forex signal metatrader on your desktop.

Forex trading is a risky business and it takes some time to master the art of Forex trading signals. There are a number of fx signal providers but before you choose, you need to make sure you have done your homework. Always ask for the Free signals to deliver for 3 to 5 days and test those signals in your Demo Account.

The main characteristics of Forex trading signals to be aware of are as follows;

Cost: monthly subscription
Complexity: Simple "one email a day" OR Full-Service
Control: You keep full control OR the signal provider trades your a/c for you

Most Forex trade signals charge a very modest subscription fee, usually in the region of USD $80 - $400 per month.

If you're new to Forex trading, you probably realize how important it is to make the right trading decisions. One wrong trading move can drastically harm your portfolio while a good move can bring tremendous profits. That's why trading signals are so important. Once you've tried a Forex demo account for practice and created a strategy that works for you, you can add trading signal services as a useful tool in your Forex trading.

With online Forex, finding a trading signal service is easier than ever.

In their simplest form a Forex trading signal will send you a Forex alert email once a day listing trade set ups for the next 24 hours.

Some Forex signal providers offer a free trial service, thus allowing currency traders to sample the signals to assess their worth. This is a helpful step, as it allows the trader to consider the quality and reliability of the signals before paying money. This is a crucial element in the research process, and weeds out the providers who want money upfront as they are not confident in their ability to call profitable trades. This is a good service that you can try for free for 3 to 5 days.

Various fx signal providers offer a few complimentary services along with the featured ones. Look for a fx signal company that provides email support, phone assistance and even mentoring to their clients. This is of great value, especially to new traders.

They assign their time assisting traders in taking buy/sell decisions. Forex traders depend upon and trust the recommendations of these professional signal providers, while making investing decision in the Forex market

Forex signals are not meant to be a magic solution to all your Forex problems. They are designed to inform you about the market.

Forex business timing is extremely crucial; a trader can earn millions or lose even more depending upon the his timely or untimely actions. Besides, being the biggest market on the face of earth - it generates business activity of almost 3 trillion USD, it operates around the clock, all over the globe, making it thus impossible for a trader to stay vigilant all the time about market fluctuation and probable changes therein. Therefore a trader needs alarms and indicators to get knowledge about the possible opportunities and probable pitch points. Hence the need for Forex signal or alerts. Basically Forex alert or signal is a communication or intimation to the trader indicating the ripe time to buy/sell and the suitable price to pay/ask. Most of the time, such signals and alerts are provided by trained professionals, either individual or companies.

When choosing a Forex signal service, be sure the company offers the type of signal alerts you need. Every person is different. Some require computer or email alerts, while others are not accurate Forex signals are made for both professional traders and although new traders. The best Forex signals trading system is going to cover multiple situations on the Forex market. For instance the best Forex trade signals is going to cover all major currencies like GBP, USD, and EUR at all times the market is open, not only for specific situation. Simply to get the full value of your Forex trade you must know what is happening in regards to all the major currencies. The Forex system should also be able to give you at least 1-3 Forex trading signal alerts a day.

Some Forex trading signals are high volume scalpers, calling many trades in a day aiming to profit a handful of pips on each. Others only call a few trades a day, aiming to profit 20 - 80 pips on each single trade.
Forex trading signal providers help you in minimizing risks or losses in trading.

Forex signals are generally given on a daily updated basis and all are contingent on factual market analysis and behavioral flow and not on mere hearsay and other speculations.

The signals are calculated and generated by using different indicators such as trends, moving average, Elliott waves, Bollinger bands, Fibonacci series, etc. In spite of that, some uses strategies like:

Pip Maximizer Method 1
Pip Maximizer Method 2
Pip Reversal Method
Pip Divergence Method
Instant Pip Method
Pip Retracement Method
Quantum Pip Strategy

... to give profitable and accurate signals.

The following question I wish to raise, is the abundant selection of Forex signals from which we can choose. Because of the variety of service providers, they offer different services, of which we must be aware. The first type of Forex signal provider will just send out trade alerts by email, often daily, sometimes at several intervals throughout the day. Thus you need to have a laptop of email receiving device ready at all times, to gain the most from trading Forex signals.

The next type to consider are through EA/Expert Advisors. These types of signals are not good at all because those are the computer oriented programs which can ruin your money within a few trades. But fortunately this is not such a big problem today, as more traders have email reading devices. The most crucial aspect concerning the format you receive the signals, is to ensure that you receive them immediately, and have the capability to act on them straight away - so you have to have immediate access to your Forex brokerage account, and place the trade as soon as you humanly can.

A unique benefit of trading Forex signals is that it gives guidance and discipline in a Forex currency trader. Forex profit signals service providers send you alerts when the conditions are right for the trade. They use cutting-edge technology which constantly monitor all major currency pairs for generating technical indicators.

Forex signal generators produce Forex signals which are indicators of ideal trading opportunities. These are certain algorithmic patterns which have been evident in successful Forex trades throughout the years. These Forex signals are then fed onto the program of Forex automated EA or Expert Advisors. This program will then either make Forex trading decisions for the individual while s/he is away from the computer or advice the individual about what to do. Forex EAs act like wizards which monitor currency ratings through online Forex Trading Platforms. One can look at Forex signals as triggers of commands which allow the automated system to function.

Forex signals can immeasurably add to the profits of a Forex trader.

How to Receive Forex Signals:
Forex signal services are available to provide signals to you around the clock. These services usually have professional Forex traders who monitor the market 24/7 and provide you with up-to-date information. These services often charge a monthly or yearly subscription fee for their services. The methods used to deliver the Forex signals to you can vary from one service to the next. Signals can be sent through email alerts, to your phone or cell phone, through your pager, or even through a pop-up software system that will show a screen on your computer each time a signal is sent. The services also vary in how they present information to you. Some will provide live charts to give you more insight as to what as happening in the market.

Time frame for which the Forex trading signals are generated is equally important. Few trading signals can be valid only for a few minutes or an hour; others may have recommendations that are valid for a day or more. If the Forex trading signal providers generate signals for shorter time frame, you need to monitor the market frequently.

Some Forex signal service providers offer add-on services like email or mobile alerts. The service provider should have end-to-end technical support for the customers.

Even with experienced traders calling your trades, it's prudent risk management to never ever risk more than 3% of your initial capital on any one trade, preferably only 1%. So, if for example your initial capital, (or to put it another way, the maximum you can afford to lose) is let's say 5,000, the position size you take on each trade should be such that if the trade hit your stop loss, your maximum loss would be no more than 1% x 5,000 = 50.

Forex signal providers render Forex business quite a bit easy for traders, especially those who are relatively new in the business. Forex signal generation and provision can be either manual or automated and it provides entry/exit points of the trade streak for major or already chosen currency pairs. In manual signal generation system a simple trade signal is provided by the single provider. In automated signal generation system, the Forex system not only intimates and alerts the trade to either enter or exit the trade, but some times makes the deal by operating in synchronization with the trader's bank or broker.

Initially Forex signals and alerts used to come in the form of telephone calls and facsimiles. Now as we have stepped into the era of information revolution which has brought forth amazingly advanced digital technology, Forex signals and alerts generation and provision system has also advanced and become much more sophisticated and quick. Now these alerts come in the form of e-mails, SMS (Short Message Service, a way of sending text messages to mobile devices), or desktop software. However with trading Forex signals, there is no such chance to over trade your account. It is absolutely possible to learn the mental aspects of trading, by following a set of rules, and not to deviate from those rules.

Many trading Forex signals provide you with a complete set of instructions in order to take the trade. Frequently the signal will have multiple exits, which enable a trader to take money off the table in small steps. So this enables the currency trader to input all of these prices into his trading platform when he gets the signals, and then to switch off the computer.

As for any purchase, it is essential that the Forex trader first does his research into the more effective trading Forex signal service for him or her. This involves a lot of careful research, and reading various reviews and testimonials of the service in question. Before I go, in conclusion, the trader is strongly advised to practice using the trading Forex signals on a demo account first, so that the Forex trader can totally test out the profitability of the signals. This has an supplementary benefit for a complete new, as it will enable the currency trader to become familiar with the trading platform, and reduce the possibility of making any mistakes.

Whenever possible, go for a free demo account and then try your forex signals for a few days before becoming a paid member. Forex trading does involve some planning and strategy building so be prepared for a steep learning curve before trading with real money!
I'm going to start by telling you some cool facts about the FOREX market.

As you may already know, FOREX is the acronym for "The Foreign Exchange Market." This market concerns itself with the buying and selling of the currencies of just about every country on earth. This market is BIG! So big, in fact, it's hard to wrap your mind around the size of it.

Listen. The daily average volume of FOREX is:

Almost 5 TRILLION Dollars Per Day!

I'm going to try to bring that fact home for you: The New York Stock Exchange has a daily volume of approximately 50 billion dollars. That means the FOREX is 100 times larger than the NYSE

Actually, the daily volume of the FOREX is triple the size of all other investment markets combined!

In spite of its size, the FOREX does not have a physical location or a central exchange. It operates through an electronic network of people, banks and companies that specialize in trading one currency for another.

Almost all FOREX trades are executed on the internet by someone sitting at a computer with a high-speed connection. So, if you don't like working with a computer you may as well stop reading... because... you will be left out.

Still with me? Good.

The Only 24 Hour Financial
Market In The Whole World
Because the FOREX does not have a physical location or a central exchange, it is able to operate on a 24 hour basis leapfrogging from one time zone to another across the major financial centers of the world.

The FOREX market actually follows the sun around the globe... because... as one country is closing for the day, another is just opening up. This market is open 24 hours a day, six days a week from 5:00 PM Sunday (East Coast Time) to 4:00 PM Friday (East Coast Time). This 24 hour access combined with its huge trading volume makes this...

The Most Liquid
Market On Earth!
Except for Saturdays, you can enter or exit the FOREX market anytime night or day. This market has virtually no gaps whatsoever and your stop-loss orders are almost guaranteed.

Can you imagine that? The multi-trillion dollar liquidity, combined with 24-hour trading access virtually guarantees your stop-loss orders will be executed without slippage.

Just try to get that kind of guarantee from your stockbroker!

The stock, futures and options markets cannot offer you this guarantee because the limited trading hours create frequent gap opens. Nearly all Forex brokers make sure their hours of operation coincide with the hours of operation of the global FOREX market.

Let's see, what else?
Oh, yeah, no one can corner the market. The FOREX market is so huge and has so many global participants that no single individual nor entity... not even a central bank... can control the market for any significant period of time.

There Is No Insider Trading!
Because of the vast size of the global FOREX market and its non-centralized nature, there is no chance whatsoever for disruptions caused by insider trading. There is less chance for fraud in the FOREX than in any other investment market. Best of all forex can never become zero but stocks can become zero and majority of the options expire worthless.

There are no commissions. Yep, you read it right. No exchange fees, no closing fees, no government fees, no brokerage fees. This all adds up to a very low retail transaction cost. If you select your broker properly, your round-trip transaction cost could be as low as .07 percent.

And know this, a very desirable by-product of extremely high liquidity is almost instantaneous transactions executed with blinding speed. You can leverage your trades by a factor of 50 to 1, 100 to 1 and even 400 to 1.

Not only that, you can trade with a very low margin with relative safety compared to the disastrous potential of margin trading found in other financial markets. Also it is tax free income if the country you reside has no capital gain tax.

And finally, if you get really great at currency trading, your potential financial reward is so big it can make your head swim!

As an experienced researcher, my idea is to learn and share everything I can with my readers. Stay tuned for more business, travel and career ideas as I love to write about this subjects and more...

I have the Love and Passion for Trading which force me to spend countless hrs for learning, experimenting & perfecting the Art & Science of Trading. My ultimate purpose is to help you live the life that you deserve. I know how it is, most people work hard to make a living, yet it feels like a never-ending treadmill. After paying the bills, there doesn't seem to be enough left over to enjoy what life has to offer. I know EXACTLY how it feels, because I was there once. I did my research and discovered how many of the world's richest people had made their fortunes. I modeled my efforts on their example, and invested time, money and energy to learn all I could about Trading

Author name: Pradipta kumar bari

Article Source:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Some Alternatives to Finding a Graduate Job Vacancy

Some Alternatives to Finding a Graduate Job Vacancy

By Ador Talukdar

Finding a graduate job vacancy may at times be more difficult for new graduates, as there are several extenuating factors that will affect the rate of success for landing a new job. The employment rate in different fields, and sectors of the economy, can have an enormous effect on the jobs prospects. The regions in which you search will also have an effect on the prospect of finding a job, but since you have already made an important career choice and worked hard to graduate, you may now be obligated to find a job.

Somewhere during the job search, the realization may begin to set in, and seekers may often find that the graduate job vacancy that was expected, may not materialize as easy as was first expected. If after extensive search activities, prospects of finding a graduate job vacancy have not improved, it may be time to consider some alternatives, or increase the number of options. Although it may be a bit more arduous, it can be beneficial, and it should not mean that you will give up on career aspirations entirely, but the more options you have available, your chances of success may increase proportionally.

Re-training in a different field may be another alternative to finding a graduate job vacancy. There are several areas, where training can be completed by self-learning, and there are now facilities available where training can be completed online, at little to no-cost. Several universities have placed their curriculum online, with total access available to the public. All that is required, is the ability and the desire to learn, and of course, the time. If you can demonstrate your proficiency to prospective employers, you can increase your chances of success in any chosen field. A classic example, is in the high-demand field of Information Technology area of computer programming, where much of the proficiency is developed by practice. You can demonstrate your dedication after gaining some form of employment by accepting the challenge of being formally educated.

The world as we know it, has changed drastically over the last few decades. We are more involved with communications with other countries, and although there are dozens of languages spoken globally, the major language for communication is still English.

As an alternative to finding a graduate job vacancy, you can consider teaching English in foreign countries. Hundreds of people are doing it, and the experience can enrich your life as you learn and appreciate more of the culture of different regions of the world. The requirements are a certificate in Teaching English as Second Language or TESL certificate, which is readily obtainable at local colleges and or universities. The requirements for admission and the duration of the courses may differ by the region in which you live or study, but upon certification you will be fully trained and qualified to teach English other countries.

You will now be free to explore other opportunities where English teachers are wanted, and you may have the opportunity to choose from among the scores of available vacancies. In several of the countries, the governing bodies have established programs to encourage qualified English teachers to immigrate.

Alternative can also include self-employment or turning a hobby into a business, although the option can be considered, it may not be suitable for everyone. But scores of people have made successful transformation to entrepreneurship.

There may be several options available to job-seekers looking for a graduate job vacancy. In tough economic climates, even a graduate job vacancy may be difficult to find, and it may be best to include some alternative choices.

Article Source:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It May Now Be Easier to Find a Graduate Job Vacancy

It May Now Be Easier to Find a Graduate Job Vacancy

By Ador Talukdar

Job prospects, for many graduates may often appear to be disappointing, after the years that are spent in study at school. The problem is that there are a wide choice from which employers can choose As a job seeker, it is imperative that you stand out from all the other candidates. Some have successfully resorted to outrageous acts in order to attract some attention. Employers may appreciate creativity and out of the box thinking, while others may find the behaviour objectionable, so the first step to get to know and focus on the specific industry or company where you wish to be hired.

Unless they are dedicated, websites and job boards will usually repeat the same graduate job vacancy, so the same position will appear in hundreds of sites, to increase visibility and attract candidates. Companies may restrict selectivity by posting the job vacancy on the company website, instead of generic job boards, to ensure that applicants have an interest in what the company does.

In your search for a graduate job vacancy, your focus should be on specific jobs where you meet the qualifications. Experts warn of accepting any job in desperate situations, as it may hurt your career prospects in the longer run. It can be a worthwhile experience to spend some time investigating the company and the vacancy, so that you get a clearer picture of what the company does as well what the job entails. You can use the information in investigating other companies and determining where and how or what skills may be most desirable in the industry.

It can also help you in early planning of your career, for example, if you continually see requirements for a certain set of skills in your search for a graduate job vacancy, you can use that information to your advantage, any plan to obtain the skills in the near future, provided that it is an area of your interest.

After focusing your job search, you should be fully aware, that you can customize your resume and your cover letter, so that it more closely matches those of your target, and it is fully acceptable to have multiple versions of your CV. Your CV will probably be scanned by optical character recognition software for certain keywords, and will be rejected or accepted for further reviews, base on the inclusion of the keywords.

Generic resumes stand a higher chance of being rejected, and it is your duty to find out what the keywords are, with some practise, they can become discernible by examining the job descriptions. You should therefore, tailor, your CV and cover letter, so that they become specific to each job.

Don't be afraid to attach your portfolio to your resume, it should include material that relevant to the vacancy. You can gain relevant experience by volunteering or by working part-time. Post graduate studies or an internship will also provide some additional training.

Learning is still a never-ending process, and you should demonstrate to potential employees that you are continually amenable to continue learning. Finding a job in any industry can be a difficult process, but if you remained focused, you stand an increased chance of hitting the target.

If the job seeker can make better use of available resources, it may be easier to find a graduate job vacancy. After find an available graduate job vacancy, some special learned skills can be employed to land it.

Article Source:

Monday, August 26, 2013

Why Should I Advertise a Graduate Job Vacancy?

Why Should I Advertise a Graduate Job Vacancy?

By Ador Talukdar

As an employer, who is looking to recruit new staff in the current economic climate, you may be aware of the huge number of people who are likely to apply for each and every job which is advertised. The sheer number of people who apply for every job can make it very hard to select a shortlist of candidates to interview, let alone manage to find the right person for the job. Although it will depend on what sort of job you are planning on advertising as to the suitability of this idea, one way of reducing the number of people who apply for each job, (whilst also ensuring that the majority of applicants are of a high enough quality) is to advertise the position as a "graduate job vacancy".

Graduates can add exceptional value to your business, because of the skills which they have learnt at university. Graduates will have high level skills, as well as having some of the most up-to-date skills in the country. Whilst there may be people applying for jobs who are well established in the workplace, they may be set in their ways, and unable to bring new skills and ideas to the table. If people in the existing workforce are unwilling (or unable) to adapt to modern ways of doing things, the result could be a form of stagnation, and your company may not be able to keep up with modern trends and methods. Advertising a graduate job vacancy can help you to secure employees who have new ideas which could add value to your company. Even if your company is locally based, advertising a graduate job vacancy on the internet will attract the attention of the best graduates from across the country, so you will be able to attract the most talented individuals for your advertised role.

If you hire a recent graduate, who has just graduated from university, the chances are that you will find a "black canvas", who is just starting out in their career. Hiring someone who is a blank canvas will give you the opportunity to develop that person's values and work ethics, and can help you to shape these values so that they are a perfect fit with those of your company. Many graduates who are given a graduate job vacancy role will develop a sense of loyalty to the company which gave them their first major role. This loyalty will be exceedingly good for your business.

As well as being good for your business, hiring recent graduates is good for the economy as a whole. Allowing new graduates onto the career ladder and thusly into the income taxation system helps to prevent younger people from becoming trapped in the benefits system, and helps to support the pensions system. A graduate job vacancy will usually offer a slightly lower salary than that job may otherwise offer in a non-graduate capacity, so it will be an economical option for the employer, but will help the graduate to escape unemployment.

If you choose to advertise for a graduate job vacancy, advertise your graduate job vacancy on a specialist website, so that you can attract the attention of national and local candidates.

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

How To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle After Retiring

How To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle After Retiring

By Leslie Zeigler

A wellness and creativity coach addresses some of the needs of the newly retired:

Because of the current and ongoing economic woes our nation is facing, we read and hear a lot these days about all the baby boomers who are retiring. One subject which does not come up often however is how retirement affects one's wellness. These are issues which deserve more attention and concern as millions of Americans are being affected. Retirement, or at least the myth of retirement, once meant that one had completed one's work years and was now ready to enjoy a leisurely and relatively care-free existence for 15 or 20 years. If this were ever truly the case, it is no longer so, at least for many people. Today, retirement or "pretirement" (an early retirement, usually forced on one by the economy) carries with it a number of challenges to one's well-being. Some of these challenges are considered below:

-- Whether retirement was one's own choice or not, there are more and more people who want or need to start a second career late in life. Many people find themselves coping with internal blocks that inhibit their ability to successfully seek out a new career or even a part-time job.
--If one's career had been a major source of fulfillment, then where does one turn after retiring to replace that much-needed sense of competence and fulfillment?
--Time-management issues arise as one suddenly has so much time on his/her hands.
--Eating habits may change, and may likely worsen, with so much time to now fill.
--Exercise and other healthy habits may be curtailed as a result of the "I have so much time now, I can do that tomorrow syndrome."
--Sleeping too much.
--Creative blocks can impede some people. Many working people promise themselves that in their retirement they will take up painting, or write that book, learn a foreign language or take dance classes, etc. But now that they have the opportunity to express some creativity, they find that their internal blocks prevent them from moving forward with their long-delayed wishes.

These and other challenges await many people when they first find themselves dealing with the "new freedom" that retirement affords them. These are all very understandable reactions to a major life transition such as retirement. One may successfully cope with these challenges on one's own, but one may also consider seeking the help of a wellness or creativity coach. A coach can be one's partner in addressing these and other pitfalls by helping one overcome internal blocks and move towards desirable goals. Even in today's difficult climate, retirement can be a very positive and fulfilling time for most people.

Leslie Zeigler, LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker and a wellness and creativity coach. You may learn more about Ms. Zeigler by visiting her website,

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Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Healthy Lifestyle for Cancer?

A Healthy Lifestyle for Cancer?

By Ivan G Wong

Cancer has affected billions of people all around the world and everyone knows about it. People have had implications and adversity with this disease for the past few centuries and we will likely have more problems in the future as well. The good thing is that we are soon going to be able to fight off cancer with emerging technology. The bad thing is that this technology will likely cost thousands upon thousands of dollars in order to get. This is why you might want to consider another option, one where you will not have to spend as much money and can actually be healthier as a whole for you.

A healthy lifestyle change involves all different kinds of changes to the way that you work and what you eat each and every day. This tends to be a harder change for people who have a family because it may cause a change in the lifestyle of the family as a whole and not just one person.

What you can do to start?

The first thing that you have to do is eat better. Eating better can help you lose weight without any of the exercising part. The bad thing about exercising is that you will start eating more to compensate for the loss of calories, but if you are eating the same fatty food then it does not help as much.

Once you know that you need to eat better it might need to start with drinking some sort of healthier liquid. Water is the best choice as most other kinds of drinks usually contain too much sugar or has caffeine in it. Both of which are neither good for your body when you want to fight off cancer.

Eating healthy contains a lot of things like a lot of salads along with lean meat. Fried food should not be made or even bought, although if your metabolism can handle it you may sometimes have it. This is just a guide of what you should do, we cannot make you do anything that you do not want to. Therefore it is a good idea to be proactive and really start doing these things by yourself, this will create a better healthier lifestyle which will be permanent for you.

Once the food consumption problems are okay then we can move onto exercising to help get rid of more fat from your body. Jogging and running are two of the easiest things to do since all you need is a place to run and some shoes. On the other hand it is also a good idea to replace the fat in your body with muscle and this means doing a lot of weight lifting.

The weightlifting things will help create muscle which is another benefit since it burns more fat and can help double or even triple your metabolism.

Get a healthier lifestyle and eat right. Start off the with colon cleanse diet.

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Hold Onto The Quran

Hold Onto The Quran

By Farakh Jamil

The internet age has brought people closer to each other via email and social networking sites. In the past, if a person's relative or friend traveled abroad, people would always remember them fondly, but would not expect to hear from them soon. It was a rare and delightful time if one received a greeting card from a friend or relative from abroad. Muslims who traveled abroad for jobs, higher studies, or better livelihoods invariably went through a similar process too. They would miss their friends and relatives back home for some time, but then they tried their best to integrate into the new societies, while some of them used to assimilate so much into the new culture all around them, that they would forget all about their faith and Islamic culture and adopt a lifestyle which was at times at odds with their Islamic identity and beliefs. Yet, the internet has made the world a small place again by putting people in much closer contact with their loved ones, as well as providing them much greater access to texts, speeches, and lectures regarding their faith.

It is a blessing of Allah upon Muslims that Islam is a universal Deen - more than a religion, a complete way of life - of brotherhood. One can find people of all colors, casts, and ethnicity in Islam. This is evident during the annual Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj where one can see people of every color and ethnicity, speaking every language on the earth, and from every country in the world, rubbing shoulder with their Muslim brothers without and discrimination or show of social inequality. This is a unique gift to Muslims from Allah Almighty and Muslims should cherish it.

The Quran - the Speech of Allah in the Arabic language - reminds us:

And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah, i.e. The Quran, and be not divided amongst yourselves, and remember Allah's Favor on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren in the Islamic Faith. And you were on the brink of the pit of The Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His Signs - proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc. - clear to you, so that you may be guided. Al-Quran: 03-103

The best method of holding fast unto the Rope of Allah is by reading it, understanding it, and applying its commandments. Yet, there are many Muslims who, for one reason or another, never had the opportunity to learn to read Quran. But, thanks again to the internet age, and, consequently, internet voice communication, it is extremely easy to learn to read Quran nowadays from an online Quran school.

One can easily learn to read Quran from the comfort of one's home, and at a time of one's choice, by simply logging onto the internet, selecting a reputable online Quran school which offers experienced and qualified Quran tutors, and signing up for online Quran lessons. All one needs to begin taking online Quran lessons is a computer with an internet connection, a set of speakers or headphones, and a microphone, while internet voice communication software can be downloaded free of charge.

Why wait? Learn to read Quran today!

Farakh Jamil is a writer, translator, and IT professional. Apart from writing articles and translating books, he works as an IT manager at an online Quran school. He work includes developing and maintaining websites for the Quran school, as well as performing search engine optimization.

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Meniscal Tear Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Meniscal Tear Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

By Neelam Goswami

Knee is the largest and very complicated joint in the human body. Since we use our knees so much and they bear almost the whole weight of our body, they're vulnerable to both mild and severe injuries.

A bone fracture, ligament injury and damage to the cartilage are the severe knee-related injuries that can cause acute knee pain and joint stiffness, and limit knee movement.

Meniscus and Tear Types
Meniscus (in plural- menisci) is a crescent-shaped disc that cushions your knee and acts like a shock absorber between the thigh (femur) and lower leg bones (tibia and fibula).

The meniscus cartilage within the knee joint, which bears 75-85% of the body weight, can be easily torn by the forceful rotating of the upper leg or hyper-flexing of the knee.

A meniscus tear can be partial or total rupture. The meniscus can be torn in a variety of ways, including longitudinal, bucket handle, flap, parrot-beak, torn horn and transverse.

People might hear a "popping" sound when they tear a meniscus. Generally, people with torn meniscus feel pain while walking or straightening the knee. Other common signs of a torn meniscus include a swelling and stiffness in and around the knee.

These symptoms may become worse if the torn meniscus fragments get caught in the knee joint. This may lead to catching sensations in the knee. If a large enough piece of meniscus becomes loose and lodges between the thigh bone and tibia, this may cause your knee to slip or lock.

Persons with mild pain mostly continue to move the knee joint. However, if the meniscus injury is left untreated your knee may become very stiff and painful months or years later, particularly if a person sustains repeated injury in the knee or continues pivoting motions, squatting, and vigorous activities.

The diagnosis begins with a physical examination of the knee and detailed description of the injury. Your health care professional will want to know the onset of pain and swelling. X-rays may be taken of the knee, not to identify meniscal tears but to look for bone fractures, arthritis or any floating bony fragment within the joint. A better imaging testing, such as a Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), may be recommended to confirm the diagnosis of a meniscal tear.

The treatment of a meniscus tear depends on its size, location and extent of the injury. The treatment also largely depends on factors like your age, activity level, or whether the tear occurred along with other knee injuries, such as ACL rupture.

If the tear is minor and the pain, instability and other symptoms do not persist, then it can be treated conservatively without a surgery. The non-surgical treatment may include Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, collectively known as RICE protocol.

Taking help of a physical therapist to learn which muscle-strengthening exercises are appropriate and how to correctly perform them is a wise idea.

As a last resort, you orthopedic surgeon may advise a meniscus tear surgery to repair or remove the tear. If the tear is large and a person's lifestyle is deteriorated due to its symptoms, the doctor may perform arthroscopic or open knee surgery to repair or remove the torn meniscus and replace it with a new one.

Recovery after surgical repair may take anywhere from 4-6 months. Following the surgery, your surgeon may put the treated knee in a cast or brace to keep it from moving. You may also be asked to walk with crutches for 3 months. Your doctor may also recommend physiotherapy sessions in which you do a range of knee exercises to restore your knee mobility and strength.

Many patients with meniscal tear from around the world today cross their national borders to avail excellent quality Meniscus Repair in Tijuana, Mexico. Also, the budget-conscious patients with ACL injury can get cost-effective ACL repair in Tijuana.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What Is a PCL Injury and What Can I Do About It?

Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury - What Is a PCL Injury and What Can I Do About It?

By Stacie L. Grossfeld, MD

The posterior cruciate ligament or PCL is a ligament located in the knee. The strong band of tissues that comprise the PCL serves to connect your tibia to your femur. More commonly people experience an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) but it is also possible to experience a PCL injury or tear.

There are a number of things that may cause a posterior cruciate ligament tear. Most commonly a PCL injury happens following some type of fall or other powerful strike to the knee, particularly if the knee is bent during the incident. Certain sports may also have a higher likelihood for PCL tears, for example, soccer, skiing and football.

PCL injuries span a range in severity from less severe to very severe. Typically during a physician's medical assessment for a PCL tear, during diagnosis, a physician may determine the grade of the injury, ranging from the most mild Grade 1 signifying a partial tearing of the PCL to the most severe Grade 4, when the PCL is torn along with other knee ligaments like for example the ACL.

Aside from notable physical pain, other signs of a damage to the posterior cruciate ligament includes swelling in the knee, difficulty walking, and an unstable feeling in the knee. If you think you have a PCL injury or some other knee related injury, it is advisable that you seek medical attention from a qualified doctor. Board certified orthopedic physicians specialize in knee injuries and will be able to offer expert diagnosis and treatment.

If you are getting examined for a knee injury, you may be required to have X-rays to determine whether you have broken or damaged any bones. MRIs are also able to provide information about the location and severity of the injury.

Non-surgical medical treatment for a PCL injury may include rest, ice, compression and the use of crutches to stabilize the knee. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications are also sometimes recommended to relieve inflammation and pain. In addition, physical therapy may be advised as part of the recovery process from a PCL injury.

Sometimes surgery is required to repair a more serious PCL injury. Surgical intervention administered by a board certified orthopedic surgeon for posterior cruciate ligament injuries often involves arthroscopy.

If you are experiencing knee pain and are concerned that you may have a PCL injury, damaged anterior cruciate ligament or ACL injury, or some other type of knee injury, you should seek medical treatment from an orthopedic doctor or another qualified medical professional as soon as possible.

Dr. Stacie L. Grossfeld is a board certified Orthopaedic Surgeon practicing in Louisville, Kentucky. She graduated from the University of Louisville School of Medicine, and completed a fellowship in Sports Medicine at the Fowler-Kennedy Sports Medicine Center. Dr. Grossfeld currently works as a louisville orthopedic surgeon in private practice at Orthopaedic Specialists. Dr. Grossfeld also serves as a clinical instructor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Louisville. Her special interests are in knee and shoulder reconstruction and sports medicine. Find out more about Dr. Grossfeld's orthopedic medical practice or call 502-212-2663.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

ACL Injury - Five Tips for Rapid Recovery

ACL Injury - Five Tips for Rapid Recovery

By JR Ross

The ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) is one of four crucial ligaments that provide strength and stability to the knee. The others are the PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament), MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament), and LCL (Lateral Collateral Ligament). The MCL and LCL are on the inner and outer sides of the knee and run vertically whereas the ACL and PCL cross beneath the kneecap from top to bottom.

The ACL and PCL have a very poor blood supply which means that reconstructive surgery is usually required and a graft used to replace a torn ACL/PCL. Indeed, as the PCL is much stronger than the ACL, it is the ACL that is most often torn (200,000 cases per annum in the US alone) and it is the ACL injury that is, therefore, such a debilitating injury.

This article provides 5 key tips for rapid recovery from ACL injury. These are from my own personal experience. I quickly recovered from a full house of complete ACL, MCL and LCL tears, and I have documented what I believe to be the key factors associated with that rapid recovery.

Tip 1

In terms of ACL recovery secrets, the single most important factor for a quick recovery - a factor that improves the recovery time by a factor of 2 or greater - is the type of graft chosen. Of course, you should consult with your surgeon on what is best for you and, if you're a professional athlete, my recommendation is not likely to be the best choice. However, for the rest of us casual athletes, this recommendation will see you recover way quicker than any other.

Grafts tend to be of the following three types:

    Patellar tendon - a piece of your own tendon is taken and used to replace the ACL. It matches tissue well and allows bone to bone healing which is strong but this can lead to anterior knee pain for years to come.
    Hamstring tendon - two tendons are taken from the hamstring and bound together and used as the graft. Healing can take longer because there is no bone to bone healing but this graft alleviates anterior knee pain.
    Cadaver - donor tissue. This has the advantage of requiring less operation time, being less painful and allowing for smaller incisions. The focus is on one area only and is much less disruptive as there is no secondary operation to remove the graft from the patella or hamstring. The disadvantage of a cadaver graft is that it is not as strong as the other graft types.

I had ACL surgery on day 34 after incurring my injury. Four days later I was off painkillers, was not using crutches or my knee brace and was starting post surgery physical therapy. I had a cadaver graft. This contrasted with other people I know who had grafts taken from their own bodies and were largely incapacitated for two weeks post-surgery.

So for non-professional athletes my number one tip for a quick recovery from ACL surgery would be to take a cadaver graft.

Tip 2

Use RICE techniques (rest, ice, compression, elevation) immediately post-injury, up to surgery and then afterward. This is somewhat obvious but, for rapid ACL recovery, take it to extremes. For example, in my case, the discipline that helped me enormously with my leg inflammation was passing up on situations where I would have to sit with my leg hanging down. I was lucky in that I work in an office and was always able to sit with my leg supported by another chair, but dining out, eating at the dining table at home were all passed up in favor of sitting with my leg up on the sofa.

Also, icing and compression can be accelerated and accentuated with an ice/compression cuff system such as the Aircast Cryo/Cuff Cooler.

Tip 3

Pre-surgery knee strengthening. Keep the leg and knee moving before surgery. Establishing a good range of motion (120 degrees of knee bend) ahead of surgery will help with the healing process post surgery. Ankle pumps help reduce calf muscle atrophy (wasting) where quad sets are essential to minimize quadriceps atrophy.

Walking is good and can be enabled by an ACL brace such as the DonJoy TROM Adjuster Knee Brace. This not only gives you a degree of normality and independence but it also means your calf muscle will work which will reduce atrophy and control swelling. In my case, use of this brace also meant I could drive again 8 days after injury - admittedly I drive an automatic.

Tip 4

Stay ahead of the pain curve. Anyone suffering an ACL injury will be prescribed strong painkillers both immediately after injury and then again after surgery. It is really important that they are taken as prescribed, including during the night. I set the alarm during the night to ensure I did not miss taking the painkillers. This is essential because if the pain gets you it can be very difficult to get rid of and, more importantly, you won't want to move and moving is critical to rapid recovery.

Tip 5

Post-surgery knee strengthening exercises. As soon as possible post-surgery, begin the exercise regime that will re-build strength and stability, reduce inflammation, and increase range of motion.

Use of a stationary bicycle is extremely important to keep the knee moving. Twice a day, even if just rocking on the pedals in the first few days, was the frequency that saw me make such a paid recovery.

Want to learn more about ACL Injury? Visit my website at ACL Recovery Secrets.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

4 Steps To Reduce Risk of ACL Injury

4 Steps To Reduce Risk of ACL Injury

By Derick Ng

There are 4 main ligaments in our knee which gives rise to the stability. The ligaments work together to prevent excessive motion to the knee joint and prevent over stretching which might lead to injuries. The most important ligament out of the 4 is the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). However, ACL injuries are also the most common ligament injury and many teenagers have had ACL reconstruction performed on them. So what are some steps you can take to help reduce the risk of ACL injury?

Before knowing how to reduce the risk of ACL injuries, you should understand how does the ACL tear. ACL tears occur due to a sudden twisting action, causing tremendous stress on the ligaments and ultimately rupturing the ACL. This is much more common in sports such as rugby, basketball and soccer which involves constant knee twisting and sudden changes in direction where the foot is still firmly rooted in the ground while the knee twists, instantly tearing the ACL.

Leg muscle strengthening

Leg muscle strengthening exercises will help to increase leg strength and lead to a more stable knee joint. A strong knee joint can help to resist sudden movement and hold the ligaments firmly in place during sudden twisting actions, reducing the risk of ACL injuries. Some excellent leg muscle strengthening exercises include hamstring curls, walking lunges and toe heel raises.

Neuromuscular training

Neuromuscular training is an excellent preventive method. It teaches the body how to obtain maximum knee stability and how the knee should move when jumping, pivoting and landing. Most injuries occur due to awkward landing on the knees, causing the ligament to twist and rupture. Scientific studies have also concluded that neuromuscular training significantly reduces the risk of ACL tears.

Knee bracing

If you have a weak knee or feel a little instability in the knee, you should use a knee brace. A good knee brace is able to make you feel like you are not wearing one, hold the knee ligaments firmly together and offer better support to the knee as a whole. There are some knee braces that are even allowed to be worn for games. Knee braces will offer better stability and provide you with more confidence.

Sufficient rest

Sufficient rest periods in-between training and games will allow the body ample of time for reconditioning and repair of the tissues. If you overstress your body, you are depriving it of repair time and sooner or later, the tissues and ligaments will break down. To speed up recovery process, some athletes consume foods that are high in protein such as chicken breast and protein shakes.

Reducing the risk of ACL injuries is as easy as 1-2-3. You only need to make a little bit of effort to buff up the muscles and don protective and supportive gears when you are playing your favourite sport.

We introduce you Singapore Sports and Orthopaedics Clinic where professional help will be offered in the areas of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for all spine injuries and sports injuries.

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

How to Prevent an ACL Injury

How to Prevent an ACL Injury

By Allan Roth

How To Prevent An ACL Injury

Athletes, both professional and amateur, are prone to numerous injuries during their careers. The body takes a beating while engaging in sports. Many of the injuries athletes sustain can be prevented, allowing the individual to avoid uncomfortable procedures and medical devices as well as keeping them 'in the game'. One of the most preventable injuries in sports today is an injury revolving around the ACL.

What is the ACL?

The ACL - anterior cruciate ligament - is a major ligament that is found in the knee. It is responsible for keeping the knee from moving too much, limiting the joint's range of motion and stabilizing leg movement. The ACL is attached to the front and top of the tibia and stretches diagonally up to attach to the back and bottom of the femur. People who complain of their knee 'giving out' or 'popping' usually have some form of ACL injury.

How does an ACL injury occur?

ACL injuries can occur during sports related activities as well as during regular day to day activities. Most of them are due to sports but the ACL can tear during a motor vehicle accident, a fall, a work related accident, rough play or during other activities that causes the knee to move in a direction it is not supposed to naturally go in. The majority of ACL injuries fall under the heading of 'non-contact' injuries. This means that the injury happens without another person being involved. For example, an athlete can turn on their foot the wrong way during a pivot or land improperly from a jump and tear the ACL. A good sign that the ACL is injured is the knee giving out from under the person when the ligament is torn.

A torn ACL that is due to non-contact usually occurs when there is a rapid deceleration of the body and the knee joint. If the body is not properly placed during a sport or physical activity, the ACL can be stressed and overloaded. When this happens, the ACL will tear. The knee is not stable and the pressure from the hips and ankles place it in a state of weakness. The muscles in the shins and thighs attempt to control the deceleration of the body and this causes the aforementioned stress and overload to the ACL

How can you tell if you have an ACL tear?

A person can have ACL problems without a tear being present but if the ligament is not checked prolonged injury could ultimately cause a tear. A good sign that a person has an ACL injury is the popping of the knee or the knee simply giving out and causing the person to fall. ACL tears usually come with swelling and pain, but a minor injury may not be painful. Going to the doctor and having the knee tested for instability and other stressors are used to diagnose the problem. Additionally, an MRI of the knee may be ordered to verify the injury and possibly any other injuries that could be associated with an ACL tear.

What is done heal an ACL injury?

Depending on the severity of the ACL injury will determine what type of treatment may be used by the physician who diagnoses the tear in the ligament. People who suffer ACL tears that do not participate in sports or who are suffering from a partial ACL tear may be required to wear a special knee brace for a few weeks to allow the ligament to heal on its own. If the tear is severe and the person is an athlete who relies on the range of motion provided by the knee, reconstructive ACL surgery may be recommended.

It should be noted that many athletes who suffer from an ACL injury such as a tear may never regain total mobility in the ligament like they had prior to the injury. Therefore, it is better to work towards preventing ACL injuries than dealing with them after they occur.

How do you prevent an ACL injury?

It takes more than just strengthening the legs to prevent an ACL injury. Everything from weak hips to the internal rotation of the knee itself can add to an ACL injury. In order to prevent this injury, core body muscles, external hip rotators, the gluteus medius muscle, lower abs and obliques all must be stretched and strengthened in order to help prevent an ACL injury. Quadriceps and hamstrings should also be strengthened in an even ratio to help in ACL tear prevention, especially in women who are not as muscular as men. Finally, good calf and ankle muscles are also required as they help control knee deceleration and provide the body with stability.

Athletes should engage in coordination drills and training in order to learn how to properly move during sports activities. Cutting - the quick side to side movements seen in many sports - as well as landing must be done so that the center of gravity in the body is lowered and the knee flexes more. The torso should remain upright at all times if possible and where it is feasible, additional movement after the cut or land is encouraged as it helps with the deceleration process in the knee.

Finally, the proper footwear for the activity is required. Shoes are important in that they provide stability for the body. They should have a good drip on the playing surface and prevent the person from slipping.

Exercises to help prevent ACL injuries

About one month prior to any sports season starting, athletes should add stability strengthening exercises to their routine. Cross training with a stair climber or elliptical should be included in the cardiovascular routine to help the muscles warm up and stretch. Here are some strengthening exercises that can be included in the workout to help prevent painful ACL injuries. These exercises should be continued through and after the sports season.

Warm up

Because it is dangerous to stretch a cold muscle, warm ups should be done in order to prepare the body for the exercise and physical activity to follow. Warm ups should include:
o Line to line jog - slowly jog from one line or cone to another while keeping the hips, knees and ankles in a straight line. Knees should not cave in and the feet should not whip out to the sides while jogging.
o Side to side shuttle run - moving from side to side, the hips, knees and ankles remain in a straight line. The exercise should start in an athletic stance with the knees slightly bent. The participant pushes off with the back leg and sidesteps in one direction to a predetermined point and then reverses.
o Backward run - this warm up helps to prevent knee locking. The participant runs backwards from one line to another, landing on the toes lightly. The knees should remain bent at all times.


Anyone who exercises should always stretch after warm up to limber up the muscles and ligaments in the body. Stretches allow the range of motion to be maintained and helps reduce joint stiffness, soreness after activity and injury. Never bounce or jerk the muscles during stretches. Instead, the stretch should be done to the point of tension in the muscle and held for 30 seconds. Breathing should be normal and the stretch should be muscle lengthening.
o Calf stretch - starting from a standing position, bend forward from the waist and lay the palms on the ground. The right knee should be bent slightly while the left leg remains straight with the heel of the foot on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides. This should be done two times for each leg.
o Quadricep stretch - this exercise is done with a partner. Lay the left hand on the partner's left shoulder and then grab the front of the right ankle with the right hand from behind. Bring the heel of the foot to the buttock with the knee pointing to the ground. The legs should remain close together and the knee should not go out to the side. Remain in an upright position and hold for 30 seconds before switching sides. This should be done two times for each leg.
o Hamstring stretch - sitting on the ground, stretch the right leg out in a straight line with the left leg bent and the left foot against the inside of the right thigh. Keeping the back straight, lean forward to touch the chest to the knee. If able, reach towards the toes and bring them back towards the head. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides. This should be done two times for each leg.
o Inner thigh stretch - while sitting, spread the legs apart and lower the upper body down while keeping the back straight. The muscles in the inner thigh will stretch. Sit up and reach over the right leg with the right arm while extending the left arm overhead to the right. Hold for 20 seconds and then switch sides. This should be done three times for each leg.


In order to build up stability in the knees and legs, strengthening exercises should follow the warm up and stretching exercises. It is important that the technique is followed closely and that the performance of the exercises is adhered to in order to get the proper results.
o Walking lunges - starting with the right leg, lunge forward keeping the front knee over the ankle. Push off with the right leg and lunge forward with the left, dropping the right knee down. The motion needs to be controlled with keep the knees from caving inwards. The toes should be visible on the leading leg. If they are not, the exercise is not being performed properly and the stance needs to be adjusted. This exercise should be done in three sets of 10 reps.
o Russian hamstring - with a partner, kneel on the ground with hands at the side while the partner holding the ankles. Lean forward from the hips with knees, hips and shoulders in a straight line and the back straight. Do not bend at the waist. The hamstrings in the thigh will be working. This exercise should be done in three sets of 10 reps.
o Single toe raise - standing with arms at sides, bend the left knee upwards and balance on one foot. Stretch the arms to the sides to help maintain balance and rise up on the toes of the right foot slowly. Hold and then lower. Repeat this exercise 30 times and then switch sides.


Plyometric exercises are designed to help build up the power, speed and strength of the body. The key to performing these exercises properly is to remember to land softly when jumping. Always land with the weight on the ball of the feet and then distributing it back to the heel with the knees bent and the hips straight. It is important that the technique is followed closely and that the performance of the exercises is adhered to in order to get the proper results.
o Lateral hop over a cone - using a 6 inch high cone to the left of the body, hop sideways over the cone landing on the balls of the feet with the knees bent. Straighten the knee slowly. Hop back to the right to complete a rep. Do this exercise for 20 reps.
o Forward and backward hop over a cone - using the same 6 inch high cone, hope over the cone forwards landing on the balls of the feel with the knees bent. Straighten the knee slowly. Hop backwards over the cone to complete a rep. Do this exercise for 20 reps.
o Single leg hop over a cone - using the same technique found in the forward and backward hop over a cone, start with the right leg and complete a forward and backward hop for one rep. Do this exercise for 20 reps, switch legs and repeat.
o Single leg vertical jump with headers - stand straight with arms at side and knees slightly bent. Push off with the right foot and jump straight up, landing on the ball of the foot with the knee slightly bent. Do this exercise for 20 reps, switch legs and repeat.
o Scissors jump - using the same knee over ankle technique in the walking lunge, lunge forward with the right leg. Push off with the right foot and bring the left leg forward into a lunge position, maintain the knee and not allowing it to cave in or out. Land on the balls of the feet. Do this exercise for 20 reps.


Agilities will help build up the range of motion in the ankle, knee and hip combination, allowing the participant to move more smoothly during exercise and physical activity. This will help stabilize the ACL and keep it flexible.
o Shuttle run forward and backward - using as many cones as desired, sprint from the starting line to the first cone and stop. Sprint to the next cone and stop. Continue this to the end and then reverse running backwards.
o Diagonal run - set the cones in a zigzag formation. Start at the line and run to the first cone to the left, pivot on the left foot, and run to the next cone on the right. Pivot off the right foot and run to the third cone. Continue to the end keeping the knee slightly bent and over the ankle. Repeat 3 times.
o Bounding run - run from one line to the other bringing the knees up high towards the chest. Land on the balls of the feet with the knees slightly bent and the hips straight.

Cool Down

The cooling down phase of any exercise routine or physical activity is important and should never be skipped. There should always be water at hand through this phase and it should take about 10 minutes. Jog slowly until the heart rate comes down and then stretch the hamstrings, calves, inner thighs, quadriceps and lower back with the exercises listed above and the following exercises.
o Alternate hip flex bridging - while lying on the ground, bend the knees and place the feet flat. Raise the buttocks off of the ground and squeeze, holding this as the right foot is lifted off the ground. Do not allow the hip to dip towards the ground. Lower the right foot and repeat the motion with the left foot. Repeat 30 times for each side.
o Abdominal crunches - while lying on the ground, bend the knees and place the feet flat. Lace the fingers behind the head with the elbows out. Breathe in and contract the abdominal muscles while exhaling. Do this 30 times. Drop the legs to the right to the ground and repeat the crunching of the muscles to work the obliques. Repeat 30 times and then switch sides.
o Knee to chest - while lying on the ground, bend the knees and place the feet flat. Bring the right knee into the chest while extending the left leg to the ground. Hug the right knee for 30 seconds, feeling the muscles of the lower back and buttocks stretching. Switch sides and then bring both knees to the chest. Repeat all three motions as a rep and do two times. If there is any pain in the lower back, discontinue the stretch.
o Figure four piriformis stretch - while lying on the ground, bend the knees and place the feet flat. Place the left ankle over the right knee. Holding this position, take hold of the right thigh and pull the right knee into the chest. Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides. This will stretch the gluteals and the sides of the thighs. Repeat the two motions as a rep and do two times. If there is any pain in the lower back, discontinue the stretch.
o Seated butterfly stretch - while sitting, bring the feet into the body so that the soles are touching. Place the elbows on the knees and slowly push the knees down to the ground. This stretches the inner thigh. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat two to three times.

Millennium Physical Therapy -

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